Climate Box
Our climate box is an innovative way to show and let children experience the effects of a changing climate. We have developed a prototype that will be tested and improved during the project. The prototype that is shown in our video was developed by the Cologne artist Ellen Muck (
The idea is that children can form their own environment based on easily accessible material, such as clay and materials that they can find in their daily lives. This environment can be changed and creatively adjusted. In a funnel that is installed above this environment ice cubes are stored. A hair dryer that will melt the ice cubes mirrors the warming atmosphere. The melted water will flow in the created environment and flood the landscape. Now, it is on the children to develop adaptation methods, for example build dams, to prevent flooding of their landscape features.
The climate box is easily replicable and can be expanded and adapted as a modular model. With an instruction manual and the video below, it can be used in kindergartens and schools.
The climate box is an innovative way to show and let children experience the effects of a changing climate. The prototype shown in this video was developed by Cologne-based artist Ellen Muck. It is easily replicable, can be used in kindergartens and schools and can be expanded and customised. This video is part of a video series produced for the Erasmus+ project 'Children in the Climate Crisis'.
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